Contact Information
Shostka Institute of Sumy State University
Prof. Yuriy Mykhailovich Mar’yinskykh
member of the editorial board
of The Journal "Insight Physics", Singapore, reviewer of the world scientific company
Elsivier in the field of "Solar Energy" .
Since 2001 to the present time, I have been working as an assistant professor of the department
of System Engineering and Information Technology disciplines.
My works were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science at the All-Ukrainian exhibitions (2007-2010).
I am the author of about 70 scientific and scientific-methodical works and patents, 10 of them on space power plants
of the thermal conversion system.
The permanent head of students work, which take prizes at the All-Ukrainian competitions.

Haharina st. 1, Shostka , Sumy region , 41100 ,
Phone:+38(068) 597-95-43
Shostka Institute of Sumy State University
System Engineering and Information Technology Department
Yu.M. Mar’yinskykh